About us

Hello, my name is Miodrag Kapor and I am the head of “No Immunity from Accountability (NIFA),” or in Serbian “Monitor odgovornosti” project. 

I am a U.S. educated legal practitioner and a social science scholar with background in economics, energy geopolitics and international law. During my graduate coursework at the Divison of Global Affairs, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA, I investigated causes and consequences of 2008 transfer of Serbia’s entire gas and oil energy sector (Naftna industrija Srbije (NIS)) for a giveaway price to the Russian state controlled company Gazprom Neft (“2008 Russo-Serbian Energy Agreement”). Besides being by far the most salient Serbian privatization transaction surrounded by furtiveness, it gave the Russian side an additional important layer of economic and political clout in the region with ramifications notably reaching out to Serbian relationship with the EU, its neighboring countries and Putin’s Russia aggression against Ukraine.

Project goals

Years that followed the 2008 Russo-Serbian Energy Agreement were particularly characterized by government centered misinformation and fake news propaganda campaign with goals to promote self-centered anti-liberal nationalist discourse and, ultimately, to undermine democracy and reduce trust in the democratic processes. Its effectiveness has been strengthen by a morbid and re-occurring self-victimization motive in Serbian public discourse caused by alleged Western based liberal injustice/conspiracy

To better understand these processes, the project’s main goal is to comprehensively identify and analyze agents of these detrimental influences so that society, policy analysts and, ultimately, public policy makers gain a better grasp of this deleterious development.